Stumble Guys

Welcome to Stumble Guys! Become the best online player in this fun and crazy game. Try to win each race without stumbling. To win first place, avoid obstacles and knock your opponents down.

Stumble Guys is a unique twist on the classic battle royale genre. All players must survive a series of rounds without violence or loot. The winner is the last person standing, which is far more difficult than it seems.

How to play

The game has fast-paced multiplayer gameplay; social mechanics that make it easy to play with friends; a wide range of challenging levels; customizable collectibles, skins, emotes, and player avatars; rewards that can be found; and more. In some rounds of the game, players are usually told not to be first or to reach a certain goal. They may request that you simply stay alive rather than compete in those matches.

In Stumble Guys, most of the obstacles are made to push you back or take you away from the playground. These obstacles move in a rhythmic way, and you can easily guess what will happen next. So your best bet is to wait until they're done moving and then move. Enjoy!

Fun Features

Run, dash, and slide your way past your opponents. 
Avoid the obstacles that are coming. 
Multiplayer Battle Royale in Real Time.
Crazy and full of color.
Funny and Physical.
Many ways to change things.
There are a lot of funny fails.
There are a lot of levels.